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June 25, 2021

Results of the round table on the development of innovation in the market of healthcare services of Ukraine

The Round table on the development of innovations in the market of health services in Ukraine was held on the 22 of June 2021. Аbout 70 participants attended the event, including a large number of startups in the field of healthcare, representatives of the Ministry of Health and SE “Electronic Health”, health organizations. 

The event was held in the format of a live discussion among the participants in 3 main areas: 

  1. Barriers to entry and the problem of developing innovative solutions.
  2. Effective strategies to remove major barriers to innovation.
  3. Regulatory sandbox and its capabilities.

During the discussion, surveys were conducted, the results of which we will be happy to share. 

  • According to the respondents, the main barriers to the development of innovation were the lack of funding and the complex mechanism for obtaining permits and licenses for the implementation of innovative solutions.
  • According to the respondents, the resolution of regulatory issues and the development of public-private partnerships will be able to remove the existing barriers.
  • With regard to the functions that must be included in the sandbox, respondents identified that the main priorities should be: the ability to test innovative solutions in the eHealth demo environment and the ability to collaborate with market participants through pilot projects.

As a result of the Round Table, the participants agreed to establish a working group to discuss ideas, create and implement a sandbox in Ukraine.

 In the future, it is planned to develop, discuss and approve the concept of Reg and Tech Sandbox, conduct a pilot project to test the feasibility of this concept, further approval and adaptation of the concept of Reg and Tech Sandbox, policy documents, and regulations necessary for its implementation.

 You can view the full record of the conference at this link.

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