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August 23, 2021

Startup Ecosystem in Saxony, Germany

The sTARTUp Days side event “TeleskopEffekt and the Startup Ecosystem in Saxony, Germany,” shows the many opportunities when considering taking your business to the next level. Once the time has come to look at new market possibilities for your company, make sure to look at the promising startup ecosystem in Saxony.

Especially in Mittweida, in the heart of Saxony, you can find Werkbank32 with the D(e)-Estonia Showroom, which is the “little” sister of the e-Estonia Briefing Centre in Tallinn. TeleskopEffekt runs the innovation center Werkbank32 and offers various support to startups and coworkers.

The startup scene in Saxony is closely knit. Our network partner FutureSax is going to give you a general overview of the startup scene in Saxony and its many perks. Our associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) is also very supportive of startups and gives you valuable insights from their end. There will be first-hand experiences and lots of useful information to seriously consider Saxony as your next business location.

After the workshop, the Estonian startups have a good overview of opportunities in the region and an extended network of stakeholders in the area.

The following agenda is planned for the event:

  • TeleskopEffekt GmbH focuses on the D(e)-Estonia Showroom in Mittweida and the possibilities at Werkbank32 for setting up your startup business
  • FutureSax introduces itself as another contact point in the startup & innovation ecosystem of Saxony
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK), Chemnitz gives insights into their startup
  • First-hand experiences
  • Room for questions and answers

Don’t miss joining this interactive, digital exchange to learn more about exciting new chances in Saxony, Germany!


Event timeline

  • Beginning August 25, 2021 13:00
  • Ending August 25, 2021 14:30
  • Location
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