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November 30, 2022

CEO USF Pavlo Kartashov spoke at the TechSpirit Barcelona 2022 International Conference

Director of the Ukrainian Startup Fund (USF) Pavlo Kartashov spoke at the TechSpirit Barcelona 2022 International Conference


From November 30 to December 1, 2022 a unique event was taking place in Barcelona, ​​bringing together more than 1,200 participants, 50+ panel sessions and more than 120 speakers from the international innovation community.

One of the main event’s panels was devoted to Ukrainian startups and their role in the reconstruction of the country.

On November 30, during the conference, Pavlo Kartashov was one of the speakers, had an online session, where he gave a speech and answered the most pressing questions from the TechSpirit team about the state of the Ukrainian ecosystem in wartime.

During the speech, the director of the USF told how the Ukrainian technology sector was forced to adapt to the realities of the war, but continues to work at almost full capacity, despite the extraordinary conditions, demonstrating tremendous resilience.

“The ability to work in crisis conditions can become the biggest competitive advantage of Ukrainian IT in the global market. And this is one of the many reasons that make Ukraine a successful center for future ‘unicorns’. The instability caused by the war is perceived by Ukrainian startups as a time of change and transformation, guided by the principle: the more difficult the challenges, the stronger the motivation for further growth,” comments Pavlo Kartashov from the main stage of the International Conference TechSpirit Barcelona.

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