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July 22, 2022

The country at war: The voice of Ukrainian Startups – online survey

The Ukrainian Startup Fund, TechUkraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Emerging Europe, Tech Emerging Europe Advocates, Global Tech Advocates, and TA Ventures, continues an online survey targeted at the start-up ecosystem – The country at war: The voice of Ukrainian Start-ups.

The research project is aimed at promoting Ukrainian start-ups through international media, venture funds and other global stakeholders.

The goal is to understand the impact of the Russian invasion on Ukrainian start-ups, analyze the dynamics of the sector and find the most effective ways of support.

The research project includes the following important topics:

  • Moving startups and teams;
  • Financial situation;
  • Sector and market development;
  • Support after the start of the war;
  • Short-term and long-term plans.

All survey data will be collected and analyzed in detail by experts, and the results will be published on the official USF website.

We invite all participants of the Ukrainian startup ecosystem to join the research.


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