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February 3, 2022


The Ukrainian Startup Fund will conduct the 37th selection of startups for state funding. 12 teams at the seed stage will present their projects. Each claims for a $50,000 grant. PITCH DAY will take place on the 11th of February in the online format.

The investment partners of the event are TA Ventures, ICLUB, Flyer One Ventures, JKR Investment Group, BRISE Capital, WNISEF, Digital Future, Sigma Software Labs, SID Venture Partners, Geek Ventures.

Media partnersInVenture, TechUkraine, SPEKA, and Vector.

The event is also supported by UNIT.City, Unit School of Business, iHUB and Httpool.

What startups will we see?

  • Noplag (Kyiv) – Plagiarism Detection & Resources for Academic Writing.
  • Reelly (Kyiv) – B2B platform for developers that increases sales with realtors. 
  • VESNA (Bucha) – Skin care with a unique method of extraction and active ingredients of plant origin.
  • Shortcut (Kyiv) – An effective and fast way to expand your English vocabulary for everyone.
  • Joberz (Kyiv) – A multifunctional job platform where young people and employers instantly find each other by matching soft and hard skills.
  • PatentBot (Kyiv) – Chatbot which helps SMBs to protect their intellectual property all over the world in 5 clicks and 10 min.
  • ZooZy (Kyiv) – Pet Life Assistant which makes pet care and health monitoring more convenient, easy and accurate.
  • Meredot (Chernihiv) – Meredot is a wireless charger for electric scooters that can charge electric vehicles with 93-96% efficiency and at a distance of 300 mm.
  • (Kyiv) – New technology of lead generation based on telephone calls made by using AI (the Smart voicebot). 
  • ClinCaseQuest (Kharkiv) – Simulation training platform for undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, which provides practical training for doctors, paramedics, students in a virtual simulators of clinical cases.
  • elKYC (Kyiv) – Real-time identity verification & onboarding.
  • Smart Way (Kyiv) – a tool for easy interaction with customs at the border.

Who is the jury made up of?

  • Eugene Klepa. Executive Director of Accelerator 1991.
  • Mykhailo Khaletsky. Credit analyst at SEB AB.
  • Yuriy Sereshchenko. Managing partner of Quarter Partners.
  • Alexander Ryabtsev. Founder of StartupInUA.
  • Alexander Yatsenko. Managing partner of BRISE Capital.
  • Olena Mazhuga. Investment Director of Flyer One Ventures.
  • Arkady Vershebenyuk. Partner in JKR Investment Group.

Special prizes

Also, special prizes will be awarded among the teams participating in the pitch from UNIT.City, Unit School of Business, GEEK Ventures, iHUB, Httpool, Vector, JKR Investment Group, and Flyer One Ventures.

The UNIT.City prize is three months in the newest coworking space NEST on the territory of the innovation park plus access to its infrastructure.

The prize from Unit School of Business is а grant to study in a business school.

From GEEK Ventures – free mentoring sessions with their experts.

The prize from iHUB is three months of free use of their workplaces. In the future, the startup founders can be iHUB residents with a 50% discount for six months if they wish.

JKR Investment Group and Flyer One Ventures will award selected teams with free mentoring sessions with their experts.

Httpool offers a certificate for a free consultation on the strategy of scaling up business on media platforms.

The prize from Vector is an exclusive publication about a startup in the media, which will be selected based on the results of the pitches.

Date: 11.02 (Friday)

Time: 13:00

Format: online

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