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USF Experts

People who help you to grow

Vladyslav Konovets (Vlad Konov)

СЕО, Nanit Robot

Nataliya Polyakovska

Principal AI Consultant, SoftServe

Anastasiia Yevtushok

CFO, Optic Inc

Oleksandr Bililovets

Product manager, ЕРАМ

Adam Golovenko 

CEO, Suplery Inc

Ivan Denysiuk

CEO, Zade

Nazar Podolchak

Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Vladyslav Yevstafiev

Business Development Manager, LetsData

Daria Yaniieva

Investment Director, Sigma Software Labs

Mykyta Popov

CEO/Founder, SoftTeam

Andrii Perepelytsia

CEO and co-founder, Zammler Kazakhstan

Andrii Brodetskyi

Investment analyst, Horizon Capital

Join the Foundation’s team of experts and help startups implement innovative solutions!

How does it work?




Evaluate only applications that are closely related to your area of expertise.

How does it work?



Stages of evaluation

Pre-selection of applications (including technical review of the pre-selection decision) making recommendations on funding, which are accepted by the experts involved in the Selection Committee.

How does it work?




Evaluate the technological capabilities of the submitted project, including

How does it work?




Provide a commentary that reflects the project’s assessment, in accordance with the methodology defined by the Fund. Also, the Expert has the right to indicate issues that may be further clarified by the applicant during the project presentation.

An applicant for the expert position, when submitting the application, is required to provide the following documents:

  • A detailed professional resume;
  • Documents confirming higher education;
  • An academic title in the relevant field and/or documents confirming additional informal professional education (schools, courses, trainings, seminars, evidenced by appropriate documents) (if available);
  • A recommendation letter confirming qualifications in the relevant professional field;
  • A brief description of expertise separately for each of the selected fields;
  • Other documents that the Expert candidate deems necessary to submit for participation in the selection process (documents confirming qualifications, certificates, diplomas, etc.).