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August 16, 2021

Neuro-Startups: How to cultivate a startup mentality?

The debate ‘Neuro-Startup: How to cultivate a startup mentality?’ compares startup landscapes in Russia, the USA, and Slovenia.

The panelists, Niko Klanšek and Stepan Khotulev, will share their extensive experience in startups and business, both good and bad. How do they find lucrative opportunities? What are the conditions for growing a startup in the USA, Russia, and Slovenia? What are their visions of the future of startups?

By talking about how startups are run in three culturally and historically different countries, we will try to find the core qualities and conditions that allow for successful business ventures and whether a particular mindset or cultural mentality plays a role in that.


Event timeline

  • Beginning August 16, 2021 17:00
  • Ending August 16, 2021 19:00
  • Location
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