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23 Серпня, 2021

Ramp up your investment readiness level

During this event representative, Anette Nordwall from the worldwide investment network Keiretsu (Nordics) will share her expertise in how to land an investment from biz angels in their network. They will go through how Keiretsu works with entrepreneurs, how they screen promising talents and share their best tips on what you need to do in order to increase your investment readiness levels. All along the road from screening, pitching to signing investment papers. We will also touch upon how Keiretsu conducts a due diligent process, and what factors (besides the wow..) they look for.

Join this session to deepen your knowledge within the field of startup fundraising.


Таймлайн події

  • Початок 26 Серпня, 2021 13:00
  • Завершення 26 Серпня, 2021 14:00
  • Місце Online
Інші події