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16 Серпня, 2021

Meet the Estonian Startup Community Leaders

Estonia has a fast-growing startup ecosystem, and entrepreneurs here are lucky to have so many resources available to help them in their journey. However, many people don’t know about all of the resources available, the differences between them, or what resources are right for them – especially in our post-Coronavirus world. At this online and interactive “Meet the Startup Community Leaders” event, we will gather representatives from different entrepreneurial organizations, and top local entrepreneurs, to outline the local resources and provide tips on how to build a startup in Estonia.

Who Should Attend?

  • Anyone who is launching or thinking about launching a local startup
  • Anyone who wants to meet local investors, accelerators, co-working spaces, and founders
  • Anyone who wants to learn about the resources available for local entrepreneurs

What is the Agenda?

  • Introduction
  • Panel Discussion with Representatives from Top Local Organizations
  • Question and Answer Session
  • Online Networking


Таймлайн події

  • Початок 17 Серпня, 2021 18:00
  • Завершення 17 Серпня, 2021 19:30
  • Місце Online
Інші події