Learn About The Development of the Global Agri-Tech Ecosystem

Do you have an agri-food startup idea and wonder about the dynamics of the global agri-food startup ecosystem? Do you want to learn about trends and developments within the emerging markets for the agri-food Sector? Then join us for this interactive online event, where you can hear from local agri-food startup experts and learn about the global impact of agri-food entrepreneurship. Join us and come ready with your questions.
Who Should Attend?
- Anyone who is launching or thinking about launching a local startup
- Anyone who wants to learn from local investors, accelerators, co-working spaces, and founders
- Anyone who wants to learn about the best way to launch and grow a company
Таймлайн події
- Початок 18 Серпня, 2021 16:00
- Завершення 18 Серпня, 2021 17:30
- Місце Online