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23 Серпня, 2021

Launch Your Start-Up Using Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a systematic process of thinking which empowers even the most traditional thinkers to develop new, innovative solutions to solve the problem at hand. Through this session, we will be going through a hands-on session for you, the participants, to practice and apply Design Thinking in a case study. Design thinking is human-centered creativity with purpose, where the problem-solvers dive into the core of the problem and solve it with the user/customer in mind.


  1. Introduce yourself to a new approach, design thinking, that enhances innovation activities in terms of market impact, value creation, and speed through a systematic process of thinking utilizing a user-centric approach.
  2. Expand your thoughts about design and innovation beyond the design and development of new products to other fundamental sources of value creation by diving into the core of the problem.
  3. Strengthen your collaborative capabilities to identify customer needs, create sound concept hypotheses, collect appropriate data, and develop a prototype that allows for meaningful feedback in a real-world environment.
  4. Learn to translate broadly defined opportunities into actionable innovation possibilities and recommendations for client organizations.


Таймлайн події

  • Початок 25 Серпня, 2021 09:00
  • Завершення 25 Серпня, 2021 12:00
  • Місце Online
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