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23 Серпня, 2021

Investing in HealthTech

A panel of investors will discuss investment in health tech startups and the latest innovations in precision medicine, digital health, and health tech generally. The panel will discuss the current state of the market and what is being funded by venture capitalists in 2021.


  • Anne DeGheest, Founder and Managing Director of HealthTech Capital
  • Adam Dakin, Healthtech Startups at Dreamit Venture
  • Rupam Shrivastava, CFA, Founder and General Partner at Frontiers Capital
  • Renee Niemi, Partner at Mighty Capital & CPO at Products that Counts


Таймлайн події

  • Початок 24 Серпня, 2021 22:00
  • Завершення 24 Серпня, 2021 23:30
  • Місце Online
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