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23 Серпня, 2021

How to make your strategy impactful

It’s humans that will buy from you. It’s humans that will do your work. Forget the human and half of strategy development is at your peril.

A short talk (with a couple of exercises) on how to make your strategy more impactful.

About the Speaker

Ross Haddow is the founder of H&A, a brand agency based in Edinburgh, where he now leads the strategy services. If you’re looking for someone who can find a parallel between coaching kids rugby and a business challenge or problem, however tenuous, you need to look no further.


Таймлайн події

  • Початок 27 Серпня, 2021 17:00
  • Завершення 27 Серпня, 2021 18:00
  • Місце Online
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